Mrs Denise Rewers » 7/8th Grade Literacy Grade Book Categories & Late Work Policy

7/8th Grade Literacy Grade Book Categories & Late Work Policy

7/8th Literacy Grade Book Categories
30%  Summative Assignments
    • Including/not limited to: AR tests, Membean tests, skills assessments, end of novel tests, final writing pieces  
50%  Formative Assessments    
    • Including/not limited to: In class work, exit slips, art cards, grammar lessons, literacy skills practice, steps of writing process
10%  Homework
    • training, IR Book Choice & I-PICK Explanation, discussion prep
10%  Participation
    • Combination of student & teacher bi-weekly evaluations
Late Work Policy for 7/8th Grade Literacy
HOMEWORK:  Some work is needed to participate in class discussions the following day.  If that work isn't done, students will miss out on class activities, or if they do participate, will likely not be as active as if they had done their homework.  Homework, including but not limited to, training, IR Book Choice & I-PICK Explanation, and discussion prep, will be accepted late with the following penalties:
          • 1 day late - 75% of grade earned
          • 2 days late - 50% of grade earned
          • 3 days late - 25% of grade earned
          • 4+ days late - 0 earned for homework assignment
FORMATIVE ASSIGNMENTS:  Formative work is expected to be completed in class or by the due date.  Lessons with formative assignments build on what we are learning, if work is not turned in on time, students will fall behind with our in class study. 
SUMMATIVE ASSIGNMENTS: Most summative work will be done in class.  AR tests will be completed outside and the due dates are clearly outlined. 
REMOTE LEARNING WORK: During remote learning, my efforts are focused on learning during our lessons.  I will be limiting the work outside of class as best as I can, with the exception of Independent Reading and Membean training.  Grading work becomes a challenge when it is not completed on time.  The end of Q1 was overrun with late work coming in the final week, well past the deadline of Monday, 11/2.  As a result, LATE formative assignments will only be accepted within two weeks of the due date.  After that point, work cannot be accepted for grading.