Mrs. Carissa Dilley » About Mrs. Dilley

About Mrs. Dilley

A page all about me? Ah sheesh.
I grew up in Minnesota, and have lived in Madison, Wisconsin and Seattle, Washington, as well as India and Thailand. I love being outside; the Minnesotan in me loves swimming and canoeing, the Seattleite in me loves biking and hiking. I am a vegetarian who loves gardening and cooking as well - mmm, good food! 
I went to the University of Wisconsin at Madison for my undergraduate degree, majoring in Geography and Political Science, and studied abroad with a service learning program in India for a year, earning an additional minor in South Asian Studies. After college I worked in Thailand teaching English as a Second Language, then moved to Seattle, where I worked at the Programs Director for Washington State's Hostelling International. As Program Director I had the opportunity to work with multiple school enrichment and after school programs teaching intercultural communication. When I decided to become a full-time teacher, I wanted a graduate program focused on social justice and decided on the University of Chicago's Urban Teacher Education Program, which brought me to Chicago. I have been teaching here at Ward for 7 years, and am excited to be entering into my fifth year of teaching literacy. I have a husband and "puppy" dog (she's 10 years old, but still acts like a puppy), both of whom I love dearly.