KG PHYSICAL ED-Rodriguez HR-A109 Assignments

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30 Second Curl Up Challenge  in Google Classroom

30 Second Curl Up Challenge

Directions: Complete as many Curl Ups as you possibly can in 30 seconds.

How to complete a curl-up? Click on the video link


30 Second Air Squat Challenge in Google Classroom

30 Second Air Squat Challenge

To do an air squat:

1. Keep your feet at shoulder-width apart and pointed straight ahead.
2. When squatting, your hips will move down and back.
3. Your lumbar (back) curve should be maintained.
4. Heels should stay flat on the floor the entire time.
5. In air squats, your hips will descend lower than your knees.


30 Second Burpee Challenge
 in Google Classroom

30 Second Burpee Challenge

Do as many burpees as possible in 30 Seconds.

To perform a basic burpee, just follow these instructions:

1. Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you.
2. Kick your feet back to a pushup position. Do not step to the push-up position plank.
3.Immediately return your feet to the squat position.
4.Leap up as high as possible from the squat position.
5. Clap directly over your head. Arms should be parallel to your ears


30 Second Push up Challenge in Google Classroom

30 Second Push up Challenge

Complete as many push-ups as possible in 30 seconds


Time to Dance!  in Google Classroom

Time to Dance!

It's time to show off some dance moves.

In 30 seconds or less, make a video of you dancing to Baby Shark, maybe even have your family do it with you.

Can't wait to see all the video


La Macarena in Google Classroom

La Macarena

Record a 15 second video of yourself dancing La Macarena.