7th - 308 - Literacy Assignments

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The Giver - StoryboardThat.com Project in Google Classroom

The Giver - StoryboardThat.com Project


The Giver - Chapters 20-23 Questions in Google Classroom

The Giver - Chapters 20-23 Questions


The Giver - Chapters 16-19 Questions in Google Classroom

The Giver - Chapters 16-19 Questions


The Giver - Chapters 11-15 Questions in Google Classroom

The Giver - Chapters 11-15 Questions


The Giver - Chapters 6-10 Questions in Google Classroom

The Giver - Chapters 6-10 Questions

Please answer the questions as you finish each chapter, it will make the task much more manageable.


Exit Ticket - Characters in The Giver in Google Classroom

Exit Ticket - Characters in The Giver

Based on our discussion in the video class today, please answer these questions. If you did not attend the video call, the slides we covered are in the Classroom Stream. Please review them before doing this assignment.


After reading the start of "The Giver", explain something specific that you like about the community and you would be okay having in your own life. Use text evidence and connect it to your life. in Google Classroom

After reading the start of "The Giver", explain something specific that you like about the community and you would be okay having in your own life. Use text evidence and connect it to your life.

PART 1 (DUE TUESDAY AT NOON): Respond to the Post:
I will post prompts after our Thursday calls (3:30 is when they are done). You will have until Noon on Tuesday to write your response. That response should be thoughtful and include text evidence, as well as fully answering the prompt.
Grading: PART 1 (10 Points)
- (5pts) Answer is complete and well written, showing that student has been reading the book
- (3pts) Include text evidence that is valid and connects to the prompt (page number is included from where evidences comes)
- (2pts) It is evident that the answer has been proofread for grammar and mechanic rules.

PART 2 (DUE THURSDAY AT NOON): On Tuesday, I will open up the question thread so that you can read classmates comments and you will REPLY TO TWO POSTS FROM YOUR CLASSMATES. Read what your classmates have written and consider:
- Is there something you strongly agree or disagree with?
- Did someone say something you hadn't thought of?
- it will NOT be enough to say I agree or I disagree, you need to EXPLAIN AND CONNECT
Grading: PART 2 (10 Points, 5pts/reply)
- (2.5pts) - Reply makes a connection to the original post AND explains it clearly and does not simply repeat what the post or another reply says
- (2.25pts) - Reply does most of what is outlined above, but not everything
- (2.0pts) - Reply does some of what is outlined above, but not everything


The Giver Questions - Chapters 1-5 in Google Classroom

The Giver Questions - Chapters 1-5

There are 4-6 questions listed for each chapter. For each chapter, CHOOSE 3 questions to answer.

15 questions total - each question is worth 2 points:
2pts - Question is answered correctly in complete sentence(s).
1.5pts - Question is answered correctly in an incomplete sentence (just a phrase)
1pt - Question is answered incorrectly whether in complete or incomplete sentence.


Introduction to Dystopian Literature in Google Classroom

Introduction to Dystopian Literature

I'm sorry the instructions for the 2nd section were not clear. You are supposed to take facts from Slides 8-9-11-13 and paste those under the details from The Giver that match... for example, you would copy "Government control or power" from slide 11 and paste it under "The citizens' lives are controlled by the 'Council of Elders'".


Lois Lowry Biography/The Giver Introduction in Google Classroom

Lois Lowry Biography/The Giver Introduction


Final Vignette in Google Classroom

Final Vignette

I am returning vignettes today with comments for improvement. Here are some general comments to consider as you finish your work:

Be sure that your vignette is personal (don't include things like "people... when you... others like...") - it's about YOU
Be sure it is about a MOMENT in time - be specific
Be sure to include TWO pieces of figurative language to help tell your story.

Copy your draft and paste it into this document.
Make revisions to improve based on the comment/s I make and the suggestions above.
Give your vignette an eye-catching title.

Due by NOON on Friday.


Day of Tears - Final Project in Google Classroom

Day of Tears - Final Project

Instructions are listed on assignment document (be sure to delete the instructions when you are done, before submitting).


Activities Outside School - Body Paragraph(s) in Google Classroom

Activities Outside School - Body Paragraph(s)

Type your FIRST body paragraph. This is due by the start of school tomorrow.


Activities outside school - Intro Paragraph in Google Classroom

Activities outside school - Intro Paragraph

Write your 5 sentences in order we marked in class. Write them AS A PARAGRAPH.