Mrs. Tiffany Orosa » Kindergarten Curriculum Map

Kindergarten Curriculum Map

Creating a Strong Community Students will learn what community is and how every student is part of a community.
Similarities in Plants and Animals Students will understand that we have diverse plants and animals in our community.
Experiences in Our Community Students will make connections with their peers through sharing of experiences.
Connecting with Characters Students will learn more about people who are different than them by asking questions and having conversations.
Explore New Things Students will learn that people build courage and confidence by trying new things.
Changing Seasons Students will learn that seasonal changes affect daily routines of living things.
Healthy and Safe Choices Students will learn that making plans will help prepare for emergencies.
Wonders of Water Students will discover that water is all around us and everything needs water to grow and survive.
Developing Number Sense Students will notice numbers all around them and to discover the many ways numbers are used. They will also work to represent numbers in many ways.
Cardinality and Geometry Students will use visual representations of finger patterns, ten-frames, linking cubes, and etc. to create addition and subtraction equations as well as take apart numbers and shapes.
Addition and Subtraction Students should be able to count by 10’s, solve addition and subtraction stories, compose shapes from other shapes, describe and compare measurable attributes of objects, and identify 2 and 3-dimensional shapes.
Social Studies
Learning and Working Together Students will learn discover rules in school, how to cooperate with others, problem-solving, roles of a leader, and how to be good citizens.
National and State Symbols Students will learn about our country and state, symbols of our country and state, American heroes and our national holidays.
Work Now and Long Ago Students will learn how jobs have changed over time.
Black History Students will learn about African-American heroes and how they shaped American history.
Geography of the Neighborhood Students will learn what the world is like and look at globes and maps.
Time and Chronology Students will learn to track time: weeks, months, and years.
Learning About the Past Students will learn what life was like in the past and why/how we celebrate.
Needs of Plants and Animals Students assume the role of scientists helping a group of children from the fictional community of Mariposa Grove to explain why there are no more caterpillars in a community garden that was converted from a field which once had caterpillars; students also advise the children on what they can do to attract the monarchs.
Pushes and Pulls Students take on the role of pinball engineers as they investigate the effects of forces on the motion of an object. They test their own prototypes (models) of a pinball machine and use what they learn to contribute to the design of a class pinball machine. Over the course of the unit, students construct a foundational understanding of why things move in different ways.
Sunlight and Weather Students gather data from models of the sun and of Earth’s surface and observe school playgrounds to figure out how sunlight causes changes in the temperature of different surfaces. Students then use models to figure out why a fictional playground sometimes floods.