7th and 8th Grade Science at James Ward

James Ward Jaguar LogoWelcome to the home page for 7th and 8th grade science at James Ward Elementary! My goal for this website is to give the school community a glimpse into what we are learning as well as help students stay up to date on important information for our class.
All of our science learning will be in line with the expectations of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The work in our classroom may look a lot different than what you've seen before in science class. Students will take on the role of scientists and engineers as they ask questions and figure out interesting everyday phenomenon.
This year we will continue using the Amplify Science curriculum which was designed to support student learning as outline in the NGSS. In addition, all students will be asked to complete the CPS Middle School Safety Contract to help review expectations and ensure the safety of all students in the science classroom.
Please consider this an ever evolving work space.
-Ms. Richmond

Resources to support families with science
Accessing Amplify Science Curriculum at Home (Student Login Page)