Students » Grading Scale

Grading Scale

A - 100-90   Excellent
B - 89-80   Good
C - 79-70   Fair
D - 69-60   Passing
F - 59   Failure
Grading Expectations
Teachers should plan to post grades in Grade Book by core subject according to the following criteria:
Summative Assessments (35%)
Final assessment of mastery or proficiency, which comes at the end of a unit of learning. Because summative assessments are meant to be end of unit measures, they are meant to have a larger weighted value of grade. Possible summative assessments could include:
Final project (portfolios, presentation, powerpoints)
Unit end exam
Lab Report
Musical Performance
Art Exhibit
Research project/paper
Unit end performance tasks
# of grades/time: 2-4/quarter Minimum- 1 before progress report
Formative Assessments (55%)
Assignments and assessments completed on the way to mastery or proficiency. These are used to check understanding and adjust learning plans. Some possible formative grades, which will take place mostly in the classroom, but may include independent work, could include:
Exit slips
Q&A in class
One minute essay (answer a focused question whose answer will tell you if student understood lesson)
Mid-point quiz (to assess understanding)
Anecdotal records
Compass Learning, ThinkCERCA, TTM
Student self assessments
Daily rubric (participation, preparedness, citizenship)
# of grades/time: 1/week minimum
Homework (10%)
Daily work you send home with students to practice what has been taught in class. Homework is intended to reinforce what has been worked on in the classroom with teacher and classmates; it is part of the gradual release of responsibility (this is a type of formative assessment).
# of grades/time: 1/week minimum