Jasmine Wong » Unit Plans 学习主题

Unit Plans 学习主题

World Language - Mandarin 中文

My name is Jasmine Wong. I am so thrilled to be your child’s World Language Mandarin teacher at James Ward Elementary this school year! I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. My family is from Guangzhou and Hong Kong. I love to learn about diverse cultures. Teaching is my biggest joy and passion! 您好!我是王老师。很高兴能当你孩子的中文老师。我在芝加哥长大的。我父母来自广州和香港。我会说英语,粤语,和国语。我喜欢学新的文化和知识。我很喜欢教学。希望我们能有非常美好的一年。

I hope to give my students many opportunities to learn the language and culture, but also to gain new perspectives and understandings. I believe language gives people another opportunity to see the world in a different perspective. I am excited to build relationships with students that inspire, empower, and encourage them to be kind leaders of the world.  我希望为我的学生提供许多学习语言和文化的机会,同时也让他们获得新的视角和理解。我相信语言给了人们另一个机会以不同的视角看待世界。我很高兴能与学生建立关系,激励和鼓励他们成为世界的善良领导者。

World Language Mandarin 中文

Ms. Wong 王老师 Room 207

Quarter 1: Chinese Class Themes & Units 

Grades PreK-2nd 

Theme: Intro to Basics of Chinese in Everyday Life 主题:日常生活中的汉语基础介绍

Listening & Speaking Skills in these Topics 这些主题的听力和口语技能:

  • Greetings & Introductions 问候和介绍
  • Speaking the Language through Basic Greetings 通过基本问候语练习语言
  • Numbers & Counting 数字
  • Shapes & Colors 形状和颜色
  • Family and Friends 亲朋好友
  • Intro to Food: Fruits & Vegetables 食物介绍:水果和蔬菜
  • Intro to Animals 动物介绍


Grades 3rd & 4th 

Theme: 来我们的社区玩 Come Visit Our Community

Students will learn about the different places in a community and what people do there. By illustrating and sharing the places, people, and activities in the community, students will be able to describe how people live, work, study, and play in a community.


Listening and Speaking Skills 听力和口语技能:

  • identify and name different roles of people (e.g., firefighters, teachers, doctors, etc.) in a community 识别并命名社区中人们的不同角色(例如消防员、教师、医生等)
  • identify and name different places (e.g., park, school, stores) in a community 识别并命名社区中的不同地点(例如公园、学校、商店)
  • identify and name what people can find and do in different places of a community  识别并命名人们在社区的不同地方可以找到什么和可以做什么
  • listen, ask, and respond to simple questions about the different people and places in a community 倾听、询问并回答有关社区中不同人和地点的简单问题
  • listen, ask, and respond to simple questions about what people can find and do in a community 倾听、询问并回答有关人们在社区中可以找到什么和做什么的简单问题


Grades 5th & 6th 

Theme: 我们周围的动物 Animals Around Us

Students will explore the relationships between people and animals in the community. Students will learn about pets, farm animals, zoo animals, and how these animals play a role in people’s lives. Students will understand that animals are connected with us and are important to the way of life in a community. 


Listening and Speaking Skills 听力和口语技能: 

  • Identify and name pets, farm animals, and zoo animals  识别并命名宠物、农场动物和动物园动物
  • identify and name the things people can do to take care of pets and animals in their community 确定并说出人们可以采取哪些措施来照顾社区中的宠物和动物
  • listen, ask, and respond to simple questions about pets and animals  倾听、询问并回答有关宠物和动物的简单问题
  • listen, ask, and respond to simple predictable questions about the things people can do to help and/or take care of the pets and animals in their community 倾听、询问并回答简单的可预测问题,这些问题涉及人们可以做些什么来帮助和/或照顾社区中的宠物和动物

动物跟我们的社区有什么关系? How are animals part of a community?

家里的宠物 Pets at Home  

照顾我的宠物 Taking Care of My Pets  

农场里的动物 Farm Animals  

动物园里的动物 Zoo Animals

Grades 7th & 8th

Theme: 我们的食物 The Food We Eat

Students will learn about foods in their daily lives. Students will explore the relationships between the foods they eat and their health. Students will understand how their health is connected to eating a balanced diet. 

Culture: Students will learn about Chinese food and Chinese cuisine culture. 



Listening and Speaking Skills 听力和口语技能:

  • identify and name the foods 识别并命名食物
  • identify the names of daily meals 识别每日食物的名称
  • listen to, ask, and respond to simple questions about daily food 倾听、询问并回答有关日常饮食的简单问题
  • listen to, ask, and respond to simple questions about Chinese food culture 倾听、询问并回答有关中国饮食文化的简单问题
  • listen to, ask, and respond to questions about the foods you like to eat 倾听、询问并回答有关你喜欢吃的食物的问题

我要怎样养成健康的饮食习惯? How can I develop healthy eating habits?

五类主要食物 The 5 Main Food Groups 

我的早餐 My Breakfast 

我的午餐 My Lunch 

我的晚餐 My Dinner 

特别节日的餐 Special Meals 

中国菜系 Chinese Cuisines 

中国菜烹饪法 Chinese Cooking Methods 

*Special Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Lesson*

Whole School: Students will learn about the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival during the Week of September 25, 2023 to September 29, 2023. 全校的学生都会学习关于中秋节的课程。